leather koozie


leather koozieSummer is now in full swing!

We all love to float the rivers get into the mountains for hikes, hit the lake or the beach. Be sure to think about our beautiful environment when you are thinking about all these lovely activities. Instead of taking a pack of disposables solo cups, why not invest in a washable, reusable, stainless steel cup and leather sleeve?

The disposables, including paper and plastic cups, plates, and silverware, are a significant waste of already scarce resources, and are often thrown away and not recycled after they are used just once. Isn’t it time to examine our footprint, and adopt the idea of sustainability.  A great way to cut down on waste is to replace disposable cups with a reusable option – stainless steel cups!

leather kooziesThese zero-waste cups are fantastic! Oowee Products makes a leather koozie for insulation and to protects your hands from your cold or hot beverage of choice.  We recommend the CUPSCO. steal cups, but our leather koozies will also fit klean kanteen’s cups.

Our leather koozies are a  sustainable resource as well and biodegradable, unlike the other cheaply made, foam koozie. Oowee’s leather koozies are also made in the U.S.A. unlike many of the foam koozies. It’s worth investing in an awesome stainless cup and leather koozie to know that you you are making efforts to help support sustainability and to show that you support products made in America!