Easy Fundraising Ideas! Double your money for your cause!
Are you working on fundraising for a cause or non-profit organization?
Oowee wants to help you support your efforts and diversify the source of your fundraising. The Oowee Products team believes in community support and leveraging social power. We have a proclivity to give brand awareness to organizations by means of our awesome leather sleeves. We can brand your non-profit organization’s logo or your custom graphics onto one of our many leather beverage insulators.
We have expanded our product line to incorporate hi-ball sleeves and are working on sleeves for mason jars! Our product expansion will help give the appeal of variety to your fundraising campaign and will bring in sales for your cause. There are a myriad of options that we can offer to help raise money for your charity. We also help your organization by tapping into social networks online to help share the message of your organization by blogging, tweeting and re-tweeting on your behalf.
We are proud to offer our high-quality, branded products at a value priced. Oowee Products will give your fundraising event variety and uniqueness. The leather sleeves are great for races, weddings, virtual events, tournaments and many other occasions.
Oowee Products has been involved with several non-profit organizations and aided in many fundraising events. We have some of the best fundraising ideas for you that will allow you to double your money. Some of the organizations that we have contributed to include: Asheville on Bikes, World Camp, Asheville Cycle Cross, Asheville Rugby, Alley Cats – Community Bike Race, Benefit of Culture – LEAF, Zipping for Autism, Bike Polo Team, Autism Society of North Carolina’s 5K and Cherokee Fishing Trip.
Our products include custom sleeves for bottles, pints, cans, and hi-ball glasses. We also have an awesome bottle opener called the Blue Ridge Cap Lifter. We have only a small amount of information about your event and organizatiohn to gather to get you started. It’s easy, fast and profitable. Please feel free to e-mail us or see our “contact us” section on this website.